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| 128 | Pan, G.Z., Martinez, J., Bodanszky, M. Jensen, R.T. and Gardner, J.D. The importance of the amino acid in position 32 of cholecystokinin in determining its interaction with cholecystokinin receptors on pancreatic acini. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 678: 352-357, 1981. | 127 | Hahne, W.F., Jensen, R.T., Lemp, G.F. and Gardner, J.D. Proglumide and benzotript: Members of a different class of cholecystokinin receptor antagonists. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 78: 6304-6308, 1981. | 126 | Moroder, L., Wilschowitz, L., Gemeiner, M., Gohring, W., Knof, S., Scharf, R., Thamm, P., Gardner, J.D., Solomon, T.E. and Wunsch, E. Zur Synthese von Cholecystokinin-Pankreozymin. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 362: 929-942, 1981. | 125 | Wunsch, E., Moroder, L., Wilschowitz, L., Gohring, W., Scharf, R. and Gardner, J.D. Zur Totalsynthese von Cholecystokinin-Pankreozymin. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 362: 143-152, 1981. | 124 | Abdelmoumene, S. and Gardner, J.D. 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Arguments against vasoactive intestinal peptide being the cause of the watery diarrhea syndrome. In: Gut Hormones. (S. Bloom, ed.). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London and New York, 1978, pp.570-573. | 68 | Gardner, J.D., Long, B.W., Uhlemann, E.R. and Peikin, S.R. Membrane receptors for VIP and secretin. In: Gut Hormones. (S. Bloom, ed.). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London and New York, 1978, pp.92-96. | 67 | Gardner, J.D. and Hahne, W.F. Calcium transport in dispersed acinar cells from rat pancreas. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 471: 466-476, 1977. | 66 | McCarthy, D.M., Ollinger, E.J., May, R.J., Long, B.W. and Gardner, J.D.
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| 65 | Sjodin, L. and Gardner, J.D. Effect of cholecystokinin variant (CCK39) on dispersed acinar cells from guinea pig pancreas. Gastroenterology 73: 1015-1018, 1977.
| 64 | Long, B.W. and Gardner, J.D. Effects of cholecystokinin on adenylate cyclase activity in dispersed pancreatic acinar cells. Gastroenterology 73: 1008-1014, 1977. | 63 | Waldman, D.B., Gardner, J.D., Zfass, A.M. and Makhlouf, G.M. Effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), secretin and related peptides on colonic transport and adenylate cyclase activity. Gastroenterology 73: 518-523, 1977. | 62 | Bodanszky, M., Natarajan, S., Hahne, W. and Gardner, J.D. Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin. III. Synthesis and properties of an analog of the C-terminal heptapeptide with serine-sulfate replacing tyrosine-sulfate. J. Med. Chem. 20: 1047-1050, 1077. | 61 | Gardner, J.D., Conlon, T.P., Beyerman, H.C. and Van Zon, A. Interaction of synthetic 10-tyrosil analogues of secretin with hormone receptors on pancreatic acinar cells. Gastroenterology 73: 52-56, 1977.
| 60 | Gardner, J.D. and Jackson, M.J. Regulation of amylase release from dispersed pancreatic acinar cells. J. Physiol. 270: 439-444, 1977. | 59 | Dubois, A., Natelson, B.H., Van Eerdewegh, P. and Gardner, J.D. Gastric emptying and secretion in the rhesus monkey. Am. J. Physiol. 232: E186-E192, 1977. | 58 | Gardner, J. D., Christophe, J.P., Conlon, T.P. and Frandsen, E.K. Initial steps in the actin of cholecystokinin and cholinergic agents on pancreatic acinar cells. In: Hormonal Receptors in Digestive Tract Physiology. (S. Bonfils, P. Fromageot and G. Rosselin, eds.). Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, North Holland, 1977, pp.237-246. | 57 | Gardner, J.D., Christophe, J., Robberecht, P. and Conlon, T.P. Membrane receptors for VIP and secretin in pancreatic acinar cells. In: Hormonal Receptors in Digestive Tract Physiology. (S. Bonfils, P. Fromageot and G. Rosselin, eds.). 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Amino acid transport in isolated rat thymocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 251: 6030-6035, 1976. | 51 | Christophe, J.P., Frandsen, E.K., Conlon, T.P., Krishna, G. and Gardner, J.D. Action of cholecystokinin, cholinergic agents, and A-23187 on accumulation of guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate in dispersed guinea pig pancreatic acinar cells. J. Biol Chem. 251: 4640-4645, 1976. | 50 | Robberecht, P., Conlon, T.P. and Gardner, J.D. Interaction of porcine vasoactive intestinal peptide with dispersed pancreatic acinar cells from the guinea pig. Structural requirements for effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide and secretin on cellular adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate. J. Biol. Chem. 251: 4635-4639, 1976. | 49 | Christophe, J.P., Conlon, T.P. and Gardner, J.D. Interaction of porcine vasoactive intestinal peptide with dispersed pancreatic acinar cells from the guinea pig. Binding of radioiodinated peptide. J. Biol. Chem. 251: 4629-4634, 1976. | 48 | Gardner, J.D., Conlon, T.P., Fink, M.L. and Bodanszky, M. Interaction of peptides related to secretin with hormone receptors on pancreatic acinar cells. Gastroenterology 71: 965-970, 1976. | 47 | Olinger, E.J., McCarthy, D.M., Young, R.C. and Gardner, J.D. Hyperhistaminemia and hyperchlorhydria in basophilic granulocytic leukemia. Gastroenterology 71: 667-669, 1976. | 46 | Christophe, J.P., Conlon, T.P., Robberecht, P. and Gardner, J.D. The specific binding and action of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on isolated pancreatic acinar cells. In: Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in the Gastrointestinal Tract. (R.M. Case and H. Goebell, eds.). Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, MD., 1976, pp.377-380. | 45 | Christophe, J.P., Frandsen, E.K., Conlon, T.P., Krishna, G. and Gardner, J.D. Factors Regulating Cyclic GMP Levels in Isolated Pancreatic Acinar Cells. In: Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in the Gastrointestinal Tract. (R.M. Case and H. Goebell, eds.). Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, Md. 1976, pp.233-235. | 44 | Gardner, J.D., Aurbach, G.D., Spiegel, A.M. and Brown, E.M. Receptor function and ion transport in turkey erythrocytes. Recent Prog. Horm. Res. 32: 567-595, 1976. | 43 | Aurbach, G.D., Brown, E., Spiegel, A.M. and Gardner, J.D. Beta-adrenergic receptors, cyclic AMP and ion transport in the avian erythrocyte. In: Cell Membrane Receptors for Viruses, Antigens and Antibodies, Polypeptide Hormones and Small Molecules. (R.F. Beers, Jr. and E.G. Bassett, eds.). Proc. 9th Miles Int. Symp., Raven Press, New York, 1976, pp.379-392. | 42 | Levy, A.G., Widerlite, L. Schwartz, C.J., Dolin, R., Blacklow, N.R., Gardner, J.D., Kimberg, D.V. and Trier, J.S. Jejunal adenylate cyclase activity in human subjects during viral gastroenteritis. Gastroenterology 70: 321-325, 1976. | 41 | Gardner, J.D., Conlon, T.P. and Adams, T.D. Cyclic AMP in pancreatic acinar cells: Effects of gastrointestinal hormones. Gastroenterology 70: 29-35, 1976. | 40 | Dolin, R., Levy, A.G., Wyatt, R.G., Thornhill, T.S. and Gardner, J.D. Viral gastroenteritis induced by the Hawaii agent. Am. J. Med. 59: 761-768, 1975. | 39 | Gardner, J.D. Pancreatic cholera. Editorial. Western J. Med. 123: 309-310, 1975. | 38 | Gardner, J.D., Conlon, T.P., Klaeveman, H.L., Adams, T.D. and Ondetti, M.A. Action of cholecystokinin and cholinergic agents on calcium transport in isolated pancreatic acinar cells. J. Clin. Invest. 56: 366-375, 1975. | 37 | Klaeveman, H.L., Conlon, T.P. and Gardner, J.D. Effects of gastrointestinal hormones on adenylate cyclase activity in pancreatic exocrine cells. In: Gastrointestinal Hormones (J.C. Thompson, ed.). Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, 1975, pp.321-344. | 36 | Klaeveman, H.L., Conlon, T.P., Levy, A.G. and Gardner, J.D. Effects of gastrointestinal hormones on adenylate cyclase activity in human jejunal mucosa. Gastroenterology 68: 667-675, 1975. | 35 | Kahn, C.R., Levy, A.G., Gardner, J.D., Miller, J.V., Gorden, P. and Schein, P.S. Pancreatic cholera: beneficial effects of treatment with streptozotocin. New Eng. J. Med. 292: 941-945, 1975. | 34 | Aurbach, G.D., Spiegel, A.M. and Gardner, J.D. β-Adrenergic receptors, cyclic AMP, and ion transport in the avian erythrocyte. In: Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research, 5, (G.I. Drummond, P. Greengard and G.A. Robison, eds.). Raven Press, New York, 1975, pp.117-132. | 33 | Gardner, J.D., Jow, N. and Kiino, D.R. Refractoriness of cation transport in turkey erythrocytes to stimulation by cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate. J. Biol. Chem. 250: 1176-1185, 1975. | 32 | Gardner, J.D., Mensh, R.S., Kiino, D.R. and Aurbach, G.D. Effects of β-adrenergic catecholamines on potassium transport in turkey erythrocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 250: 1176-1185, 1975. | 31 | Gardner, J.D., Kiino, D.R., Jow, N. and Aurbach, G.D. Effects of extracellular cations and ouabain on catecholamine-stimulated sodium and potassium fluxes in turkey erythrocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 250: 1164-1175, 1975. | 30 | Aurbach, G.D., Bilezikian, J.P. Klaeveman, H.L. and Gardner, J.D. The beta-adrenergic receptor and cyclic AMP-mediated sodium transport in the avian erythrocyte. In: Endocrinology (Taylor, S., ed.). William Heinemann Medical Books, Ltd., London, 1974, pp.343-348. | 29 | Butler, V.P., Jr., Schmidt, D.H., Watson, J.F. and Gardner, J.D. Production and properties of digoxin-specific antibodies. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 242: 717-730, 1974. | 28 | Gardner, J.D., Klaeveman, H.L., Bilezikian, J.P. and Aurbach, G.D. Stimulation of sodium transport in turkey erythrocytes by cyclic 3',5'-AMP. Endocrinology 96: 499-507, 1974. | 27 | Gardner, J.D., Klaeveman, H.L., Bilezikian, J.P. and Aurbach, G.D. Effects of ouabain on catecholamine-stimulated sodium transport in turkey erythrocytes. J. Biol. 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| 22 | Gardner, J.D., Kiino, D.R., Swartz, T.J. and Butler, V.P., Jr. Effects of digoxin-specific antibodies on the accumulation and binding of digoxin by human erythrocytes. J. Clin. Invest. 52: 1820-1833, 1973. | 21 | Gardner, J.D. and Kiino, D.R. Ouabain binding and cation transport in human erythrocytes. J. Clin. Invest. 52: 1845-1851, 1973. | 20 | Gardner, J.D. and Conlon, T.P. The effects of sodium and potassium on ouabain binding by human erythrocytes. J. Gen. Physiol. 60: 609-629, 1972. | 19 | Goldfine, I.D., Gardner, J.D. and Neville, D.M., Jr. Insulin action in isolated rat thymocytes. I. Binding of 125I-insulin and stimulation of α-aminoisobutyric acid transport. J. Biol. Chem. 247: 6919-6926, 1972.
| 18 | Hadler, N.M., Gill, J.R., Jr., and Gardner, J.D. Impaired renal tubular secretion of potassium, elevated sweat sodium chloride concentration, and plasma inhibition of erythrocyte sodium outflux as a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arth. Rheum. 15: 515-523, 1972. | 17 | Gordon, R.S., Jr., Gardner, J.D. and Kinzie, J.L. Low mannitol clearance into cholera stool as evidence against filtration as the source of stool fluid. Gastroenterology 63: 407-412, 1972. | 16 | Taussig, L.M. and Gardner, J.D. Effects of saliva and plasma from cystic fibrosis patients on membrane transport. Lancet 1: 1367-1369, 1972. | 15 | Gardner, J.D., Simopoulos, A.P., Lapey, A. and Shibolet, S. Altered membrane sodium transport in Bartter's syndrome. J. Clin. Invest. 51: 1565-1571, 1972. | 14 | Gardner, J.D., Shibolet, S. and Ginzler, E.R. A two-site model for sodium transport in rabbit erythrocytes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 46: 1361-1367, 1972. | 13 | Gardner, J.D. and Levy, A.G. Transport of dibasic amino acids by human erythrocytes. Metabolism 21: 413-431, 1972. | 12 | Gardner, J.D., Shibolet, S. and Ginzler, E.R. A two-site model for sodium transport in human erythrocytes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 45: 1548-1553, 1971. | 11 | Shibolet, S. and Gardner, J.D. Effect of temperature on sodium transport in human erythrocytes in vitro. Am. J. Physiol. 221: 1358-1360, 1971. | 10 | Gardner, J.D., Lapey, A., Simopoulos, A.P. and Bravo, E.L. Abnormal membrane sodium transport in Liddle's syndrome. J. Clin. Invest. 50: 2253-2258, 1971. | 9 | Lapey, A. and Gardner, J.D. Abnormal erythrocyte sodium transport in cystic fibrosis. Ped. Res. 5: 446-451, 1971. | 8 | Gardner, J.D. and Lapey, A. Sodium outflux and ATPase activity in human and rabbit erythrocytes. J. Appl. Physiol. 31: 161-163, 1971. | 7 | Gardner, J.D. and Ginzler, E.R. Sodium transport in human erythrocytes--absence of an effect of prostaglandin E1. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 42: 1063-1067, 1971. | 6 | Gardner, J.D., Brown, M.S. and Laster, L. The columnar epithelial cell of the small intestine: Digestion and transport. New Eng. J. Med. 283: 1196-1202, 1264-1271, 1317-1324, 1970. | 5 | DaCruz, G.M.G., Gardner, J.D. and Peskin, G.W. Mechanism of diarrhea of villous adenomas. Am. J. Surg. 115: 203-208, 1968. | 4 | DaCruz, G.M.G., Gardner, J.D. and Peskin, G.W. Influence of gastrointestinal tumors on intestinal absorption. Surg. Forum. 18: 336-338, 1967. | 3 | Gardner, J.D. and Cerda, J.J. In vitro inhibition of intestinal fluid and electrolyte transfer by a non-beta islet cell tumor. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 123: 361-364, 1966. | 2 | Gardner, J.D. and Peskin, G.W. Problems in intestinal absorption. Am. J. Med. Sci. 251: 225-235, 1966 | 1 | Gardner, J.D., Peskin, G.W., Cerda, J.J. and Brooks, F.P. Alterations of in vitro fluid and electrolyte absorption by gastrointestinal hormones. Am. J. Surg. 113: 57-64, 1966. |